I would have gotten more search engine
juice had I named this, “Hot Fudge Sauce,” but it wouldn’t have been
technically correct, and you know what a stickler I am for using precise
terminology (if you’re new to the blog, that was an attempt at
self-effacing humor).
So, while it’s true I generally play fast and loose with recipe titles, when they really do mean different things, I try to come correct.
So, while it’s true I generally play fast and loose with recipe titles, when they really do mean different things, I try to come correct.
What makes this a chocolate sauce, and
not hot fudge, is the fact that it doesn’t firm up when it hits the ice
cream. True hot fudge sauce is actually melted, liquefied fudge, and by
the time it finishes its slow slalom down the side of your sundae, it
will resemble its namesake.
Hot fudge requires the sauce to be
cooked to a specific temperature, for a certain time, and is generally a
trickier operation than the simple sauce you see here. Like I said in
the video, I’m sure we will eventually do a hot fudge video, but in the
meantime, this ultra easy chocolate sauce should work fine.